Friday, September 23, 2011

September 26th-September 30th

Scratchboard Design

The seventh grade students will be exploring a new medium this week: Scratchboard. During this project, students will become familiar with sample etchings to inspire them to create etchings of their own. This project will also have students broaden their understanding of using light and dark value to create form. These scratchboard designs will be based on nature. On Tuesday, each student will be expected to bring in a picture from a magazine or online that shows any aspect of nature: landscapes, animals, underwater life, etc... A selection of pictures will also be available to choose from in the art room.

Friday, September 16, 2011

September 19th-23rd

Seventh graders will continue to work on contour line drawings of shoes. Please encourage your child to bring in an interesting sandal or dress shoe for their final drawing. This week, all drawings will be outlined in black marker. Finally, the students will add color to one of their drawings. The results have been amazing! I can't wait to see all of the final products.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

September 12th-September 16th

Contour Line Drawing

The seventh grade art classes will begin a new project that focuses on contour line drawing. Each student will draw three different views of various shoes with pencil. Later, they will outline their drawings in marker. We will discuss the various styles and types of lines that can be used to create interest and detail. The students will be encouraged to vary the thickness and thinness of their lines as well as explore patterns to create their works of art. We will wrap up these contour line drawings the following week.

Please be sure to stop by the art room during Curriculum Night on Monday, September 12th, beginning at 6:45 p.m. I am looking forward to meeting with you.

Friday, September 2, 2011

September 5th-September 9th

Icarus from Jazz, by Henri Matisse. 1947.

7th Grade Art

The 7th graders will continue to work on their "Namely Matisse" collage projects until the end of the week. The students have created unique letters to represent their names and are working on symbols that reflect their personal interests and personality traits. They are only allowed to use scissors to create their collage pencil allowed! This has proven to be a challenge, however, these creative and ambitious artists are not giving up. Some of the initial results are amazing! Henri Matisse would be impressed with their efforts.