Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 8th-February 12th

Mark your calendar:
2/9 Failure Notices
2/12 Valentine's Day Party
2/15 No School—President's Day
2/19 Six Flags Reading Club Deadline
2/25 Spring Pictures
2/26 Ozzie's Reading Club Deadline
2/26 Movie Night

Let's look ahead at our week...

Lesson 21: 1+1+1 words and silent e words with endings. The test will be on Friday.

We will begin lessons on adjectives along with contract enrichment writing assignments.

We will continue writing “Reader Responses” to different reading passages and continue practicing reading strategies.

The Chapter 20 & 21 Math test will be on Wednesday, February 10th. It will cover the following lessons: 20.1, 20.2, 20.3, 20.6, 21.1, 21.3, and 21.4. We will also continue working on explaining our math reasoning in T-Charts. T-Charts will not be included on the math test this week.
*Important: If your child has a different math teacher, please visit her blog for weekly math updates.

Social Studies:
The Chapter 8 Social Studies Test is scheduled for Tuesday, February 9th. Our next Chapter will focus on the people of the Midwest.

This week we will explore how electricity and magnetism are related. There will be an open-book graded assessment on Thursday.